學校:Purdue University
科系:Aerospace Engineering

Graduated from Taipei Municipal Datong High School (大同高中); now studying Aerospace Engineering at Purdue University, Indiana, USA
It has always been a dream to go to the US. Better education and better opportunity for the future.
當初怎麼會選擇 Bear 作為你的代辦呢?
Because he helped my sister, and my family trusts him.
Tony knows all the procedure like the back of his hand. Making writing essays and applying for visa a breeze. The questions I have when filling out all the applications, Tony knows the answer to all of them.
Thank you, Tony. Always within reach, always ensuring me that things will go well. My one-stop for all my doubts and concerns. Still helping me years after I got accepted into my dream school. Thank you, Colonel.
I’m a senior now. This semester, the courses I take are mostly physics and math. Next step is to get a full-time job.
It’s easy to feel lonely and afraid but thankfully technology is pretty advanced today. Home is just one call away.
你喜歡你現在這個城市嗎? 推薦我們一些好玩的景點吧!
Purdue is actually in the middle of nowhere but Indianapolis is a city worth visiting, only an hour away.
你想給 Bear 未來的學生什麼建議?
Aim high, the hard work will pay off someday. Tony’s the man.